Sunday, December 02, 2007

Rush to see AUGUST RUSH :)

Watched a beautiful movie, simple and profound at the same time. August Rush. It really tested the windsails of one's faith. Plus, Freddie Highmore is a great actor!

I love movies that make you feel emotions and compells you to cry. They make me feel alive, that I have compassion. Some movies just numb you, which can be good to an extent but emotionally powerfully movies stay with you, can even change and inspire you. Make you hope for something that you must just wait for.

This movie is really about a lot of everything: loss, hope, redemption, discovery. I like how the movie begins. Evan is conducting the field of grass like an orchestra. Then in narration as he gets beaten by some older boys at the home he's placed, he says that world sometimes knocks it out of you "It" can be anything, but in this movie it can be music. For me that had been the case. When I got depressed, suddenly I stopped playing music...When life changed drastically, I stopped feeling the passion-the world knocked it out of me....

Years time, with the faith of a little child Evan still believes he hears his parents and that learning music and letting them hear it somehow will bring them to him.

More beautiful than any movie celebrating music (refer to Mr. Holland's Opus). The character of Evan believes in music like others believe in fairy tales. It is this strong belief that we all must have in anything, whether it be finding a family, a purpose in life, or hope and happiness. You just got to keep having the faith.

Even more touching is when you see Evan discover the guitar for the first time. The joy and glee on his face is like watching a baby discover with joy his or her own ability to make noise for the first time :) I teared at this and many other parts of this movie.

I wish I were more articulate in describing the experience I felt watching this. This is definitely not an unabiased critique. On a whole, the movie works, although there are some quirks that I can overlook (like Robing Williams character in a setting that rivals Oliver Twist). I would definitely add this to my DVD collection as soon as available. My only wish was that there was a commercial hit song so that more people would be attuned to this wonderful movie (no lie: my family and one other couple were the only people in the theater; I bet the others were milking their money's worth watching Beowulf, or god forbid, Dusting Hoffman in the Mr. Maggorium's Emporium).

Two thumbs up!!! 88 keys well-tuned!!!

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