Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Don't Leave! I'll Eat You, I Love You So!

(c) Warner Bros 2009

Thank the heavens I didn't see that other buzzed about movie that rhymes with Paranoia Activity. Instead, I found magic once again on film, depicting my inner childhood emotions more than any book could have put in just words.

Lots of reservations are placed on adapting a book to film (e.g., Harry Potter series). However, unlike other upsets caused by deleting scenes or embellishing a story with extra needless scenes, Where the Wild Things Are takes the simple theme of a child using his imagination to a whole other level.

Rather than just use Max's adventure as one that kills time, Spike Jonze expands the theme of childhood into a dizzying and glorious infectious love affair that takes you back into a time machine and transport you into the mind of a child and seeing the world through his eyes...

I cannot put into words how much this film as deeply affected me. It reminds me so much of how as children, whenever one experiences difficulty, how hard it is to express that intelligently. Although I'm an adult, I still have that problem, and yet we are taught to repress that inability to find the means to cope with such loss or difficult emotions...

I love it that as children we have free reign to scream and get loud and cause a WILD RUMPUS to get out and vent whatever is inside us, whether it be joy, laughter, sadness, or fear.

Truly, Max is my new hero!!!!! ...Now, where do I get my wolf suit?