Sunday, February 18, 2007


This is a long overdue review I've been meaning to write in a long time. Being that it has been maybe a week since I last saw it, my perspective may be affected slightly on the fact that I've listened to Jennifer Hudson's version of "I Am Changing" for the last 2 hours (with breaks of course). Let me tell you, that song in itself speaks volumes about what this film is about and the well-deserving Oscar nominated supporting actress.

I wasn't sure what to expect from Jennifer's performance but the first scene in which she enters I was impressed. And to think, this is her acting debut, aside from community theater but what community theater actor goes into the Oscars within just a few years? And to think she lost American Idol? No offense to America, but I do believe the public doesn't know talent very well. Jennifer Hudson's performance gave me chills, particular with the song mentioned above. She made me feel like I was watching and listening to a black Barbara Streisand!!! In that scene I knew she had a great future ahead. I pray that such early success won't get to her head or be her downfall as it has been with so many other celebrities.

Of course there are other actors!!! Eddie Murphy was great too. He's gone beyond Party All the Time from the '80's to Oscar nomination!!! A great evolution from a former Saturday Night Live alum! Jamie Foxx, though not much musical screen time, he had a subdued yet powerful presence as well. Beyonce has done well, but I can't help but think that Jennifer overshadowed her a bit ;) And Anansi did just as well, a Tony winner!!! More exciting, I hope to see Jennifer reprise her role in a live reproduction of the musical!

I can't really say anything critical in film analysis since this was based on an award winning musical. Bill Condon, director of the film version of Chicago does his magic once again. And I felt my feet tapping away in the theater once again :) I feel music should make a revival in the movies. Less violence and more love and harmony :)

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